Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs)

Adult Bible Fellowships are Bible studies in context of friendships or community with care and mission built in. We have ABFs meeting during both services studying curriculum that is practical for your spiritual growth and building relationships. We encourage everyone to be in one.

SUMMER 2024 ABF Schedule
June 2 - July 28

The New Testament You Never Knew by N. T. Wright and Michael F. Bird (Room 311)

Do you know the real story behind the New Testament?  In 8 sessions, learn behind-the-scenes facts about familiar events with Bible scholars, N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird, on a tour behind the explosive story of the New Testament. Discover things you never knew about Jesus’ baptism and journey into the wilderness, the meaning behind his parables and miracles, the significance of his death and resurrection, the expansion of the early church into the world, and how the mission of Jesus can still turn the world upside down today.

Something Needs to Change by David Platt (Room 500)

On a trip to the Himalayan mountains, David Platt’s life trajectory was transformed. Confronted by staggering physical and spiritual needs, Platt found himself asking profound questions about his life and ministry realizing that something needed to change. Suffering causes us to ask questions we would rather ignore. However, if we believe the Bible, we can’t ignore the needs around us. Discover what it means to follow Jesus in a world filled with urgent physical and spiritual needs.