At Woodland Shores we encourage all members and church friends to contribute faithfully to the Ministry Fund which is used to cover our ongoing programs for adults, students, kids, global missions, local missions, and community outreach while also meeting our building and administrative needs.

Beyond that as God leads, individuals are invited to support the Benevolent Fund to support short-term help for church families and community friends who are experiencing periods of financial hardship.

We will also provide opportunities to give to Approved Special Projects that have been identified by the Ministry Staff, Board of Deacons, and Stewardship Committee. We believe these items will significantly enhance our church life and outreach.



Online giving allows you to give gifts via credit/debit card or e-check (your bank routing/account numbers). You choose your giving frequency and amount, and can make changes at any time. By setting up a profile and password, you can take advantage of the highly secure environment for your transaction and use the online tools for managing and monitoring your contributions. We only encourage you to use the credit card option if the amount designated for your tithe is part of your spending plan/budget and you pay off your balance each month. Click on the "Give Now" button to get started.

(Please note that the amount we receive from credit/debit card transactions will be reduced by approximately 3% due to our online processing fees. The amount we receive through e-check will be approximately 1% less.)

Set up through your financial institution. Designate which fund and list your Woodland Shores contribution number (located in the upper right corner of your annual contribution statement or available by contacting the church office). Examples: 1234-Ministry, 1234-Benevolent, etc. Once it is set up, your financial institution will send a check directly to Woodland Shores. (There are usually no fees associated with Bill Pay.)

Give in the traditional method by check or cash in the Sunday service. Just drop your gift into the offering plate as it goes by. Offering envelopes are available to mark your designation or you may mark it on the memo line of your check. 

If you would feel more comfortable sending a check through the mail, address it to:
Woodland Shores Baptist Church
PO Box 731
Bridgman, MI 49106-0731

To give stocks, please contact Luke Brown, Treasurer, at 269.876.7932 or He is also available to take any questions about the budget.