We are excited to announce that we are going to create a new pictorial directory of our church family. Some families have had new additions and some new families have become part of our church body since the last pictorial directory was published. It will be an excellent tool to help us connect names with faces.
Please participate! It’s a simple process. All we ask is that you have your picture taken by the professional photographer and meet with a portrait consultant at the church. For the next several weeks, we will be making appointments during coffee time in the fellowship hall. Please sign up as soon as possible to get the best appointment to fit your schedule. You may also register online (see below for instructions).
Every participating family/household that selects a pose for the directory will receive a free directory and a complimentary 8 x 10 portrait.
You will come to the church only once for photography and for portrait viewing.
The program is available to the church at no cost to the church budget.
You will have the opportunity to order additional portraits during your scheduled appointment time. Portraits will arrive before Christmas.
Friends and family also have the opportunity to participate, even if they are not part of our church family and not included in the directory.
Whether you decide to dress formal or casual, you will want to make the most of this opportunity.
The scheduled dates for photography and portrait viewing are:
Monday, November 20, 2:00-8:30 pm Friday, December 1, 2:00-8:30 pm
Tuesday, November 21, 2:00-8:30 pm Saturday, December 2, 10:30 am-4:00 pm
If you have any questions, please contact the church office. We look forward to seeing everyone in the directory. Our new pictorial directory just won’t be the same without you!
Go to Click on “schedule your photography session” on the right side.
Church Code – mi1082 Church Password – photos
Follow the prompts to schedule your family’s appointment time.
If you have 5 or more in your family, please use 2 consecutive time slots.
The online scheduling option is available Monday through Friday.